Wonderful stuff. World War I was the hinge it's true, but before it and behind it were the democratizing and egalitarian tendencies noted by De Tocqueville, and the failures of the Enlightenment to explain anything beyond reach of science, and specifically not morality, and of Romanticism, to do more than justify feasting on one's own emotions.

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Great article. Reminds me quite a bit of Evola's writings. Greetings from Serbia and Hail Victory!

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Thank you!

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Risveglio e determinazione. Sorgera' una nuova alba nella nostra Europa. Sara' una lotta titanica per una riconquista della sovranita' e delle tradizioni. Bellissimo

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Very interesting article, well well written.

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Great post! Venner is such an important thinker for the Right. We need more of his work in English.

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Thank you! I completely agree and am actively working on this.

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Russian Communism. Don't make me use the triple parentheses!

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Great essay tough, very inspiring.

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